tirsdag den 17. maj 2022

100 Anos del Cine - Nicaragua 1994


Picture from Facebook

fredag den 2. januar 2015

Aliens – Republique Togolaise 1994

The text on these stamps reads Alien – Le 8 Passager, which is the first of the Alien movies. However the illustration is inspired from Aliens, which was the second of the Alien movies. The illustrations on the sheet surrounding the stamps are from other science fiction movies like Star Trek and Total Recall.

There are lots of stamps like these where the illustrations are from popular movies, but where it is my guess is that the owners of the movie haven’t approved of the stamps, and they are only created because they hope to sell them to both stamp collectors and move fans. Well I ended up buying this stamp.

tirsdag den 23. december 2014

Doctor Who - UK 2013

Fans all over the world celebrated the 50 years anniversary of the BBC series Doctor Who in 2013. British Royal Mail joined in the celebration by issuing a series of Doctor Who stamps showing all the doctors and a number of monsters from the series
See more at

More Star Wars stamps

The official Star Wars anniversary  stamps was issued in 2007 by U.S. Postal Service. However just like with all other Star Wars merchandise there has also been created unofficial Star Wars stamps from countries like Mali and Central Africa. I do not know anything about these stamps.

fredag den 21. marts 2008

Dan Dare - UK 1991

Dan Dare er en tegneserie figur fra 50'erne, med undertitlen Pilot of the Future. Jeg kender ikke selv det store til serien, men mere kan læses på wikipedia, eller på dandare.info.

mandag den 10. marts 2008

Space Fantasy - USA 1993

Denne serie på 5 mærker er designet i samme stil som omslagene på magasiner som Amazing Stories og Astounding Stories

tirsdag den 26. februar 2008

Rumskibe - Uzbekistan 1997

Jeg ved ikke om der er så meget at sige om disse mærker. Illustrationerne minder meget om rumskibe fra film som Star Wars og Star Trek, og er egentligt pænt dekorative.